Competities - 2B

Team Gespeeld Wins Gelijk Verlies Set + Set - Extra punten Punten
1. Remix 26 16 8 2 261 99 0 40
2. Real Chenay Kc 26 16 7 3 213 165 0 39
3. Liquidoshooters 26 11 11 4 179 145 0 33
4. The Crew 26 10 10 6 198 144 0 30
5. Hukske Tvc 26 9 11 6 176 184 0 29
6. Neptunus 24 10 8 6 166 122 0 28
7. Pdtg Stoemp 26 7 13 6 172 170 0 27
8. Wst 26 4 11 11 137 187 0 19
9. L'union 26 3 13 10 171 189 0 19
10. The Osman Brothers 24 3 12 9 100 170 0 18
11. Osman Bros 22 3 11 8 97 155 0 17
12. Cosmos 26 2 11 13 113 193 0 15
13. Hallepoort 26 2 9 15 116 208 0 13
Datum Thuisploeg Uitploeg Uitslag
27/09/2019 Hukske Tvc The Osman Brothers 12 - 6
27/09/2019 The Crew Liquidoshooters 9 - 9
27/09/2019 L'union BYE 4 - 14
27/09/2019 Hallepoort Wst 8 - 10
27/09/2019 Cosmos Real Chenay Kc 7 - 11
27/09/2019 L'union Neptunus 4 - 14
27/09/2019 Pdtg Stoemp Remix 11 - 7
27/09/2019 Hukske Tvc Osman Bros 12 - 6
04/10/2019 Neptunus Cosmos 15 - 3
04/10/2019 BYE Cosmos 15 - 3
04/10/2019 Liquidoshooters Hallepoort 13 - 5
04/10/2019 Osman Bros The Crew 7 - 11
04/10/2019 The Osman Brothers The Crew 7 - 11
04/10/2019 Remix L'union 12 - 6
04/10/2019 Real Chenay Kc Hukske Tvc 8 - 10
04/10/2019 Wst Pdtg Stoemp 9 - 9
25/10/2019 Hukske Tvc BYE 4 - 14
25/10/2019 Hallepoort The Crew 7 - 11
25/10/2019 Cosmos Remix 4 - 14
25/10/2019 Hukske Tvc Neptunus 4 - 14
25/10/2019 Pdtg Stoemp Liquidoshooters 7 - 11
25/10/2019 The Osman Brothers Real Chenay Kc 6 - 12
25/10/2019 Osman Bros Real Chenay Kc 6 - 12
25/10/2019 L'union Wst 18 - 0
08/11/2019 Remix Hukske Tvc 16 - 2
08/11/2019 Hallepoort Pdtg Stoemp 10 - 8
08/11/2019 Neptunus Osman Bros 15 - 3
08/11/2019 Wst Cosmos 8 - 10
08/11/2019 BYE The Osman Brothers 15 - 3
08/11/2019 Liquidoshooters L'union 13 - 5
08/11/2019 The Crew Real Chenay Kc 8 - 10
08/11/2019 Neptunus The Osman Brothers 15 - 3
15/11/2019 Real Chenay Kc BYE 10 - 8
15/11/2019 Pdtg Stoemp The Crew 10 - 8
15/11/2019 Real Chenay Kc Neptunus 10 - 8
15/11/2019 Hukske Tvc Wst 9 - 9
15/11/2019 Osman Bros Remix 0 - 18
15/11/2019 L'union Hallepoort 9 - 9
15/11/2019 The Osman Brothers Remix 0 - 18
15/11/2019 Cosmos Liquidoshooters 8 - 10
22/11/2019 Wst The Osman Brothers 8 - 10
22/11/2019 Pdtg Stoemp L'union 9 - 9
22/11/2019 The Crew BYE 12 - 6
22/11/2019 Liquidoshooters Hukske Tvc 13 - 5
22/11/2019 The Crew Neptunus 12 - 6
22/11/2019 Remix Real Chenay Kc 8 - 10
22/11/2019 Wst Osman Bros 8 - 10
22/11/2019 Hallepoort Cosmos 11 - 7
29/11/2019 Cosmos Pdtg Stoemp 9 - 9
29/11/2019 Real Chenay Kc Wst 12 - 6
29/11/2019 Osman Bros Liquidoshooters 9 - 9
29/11/2019 Hukske Tvc Hallepoort 12 - 6
29/11/2019 BYE Remix 2 - 16
29/11/2019 L'union The Crew 9 - 9
29/11/2019 The Osman Brothers Liquidoshooters 9 - 9
29/11/2019 Neptunus Remix 2 - 16
06/12/2019 Hallepoort The Osman Brothers 8 - 10
06/12/2019 Wst BYE 8 - 10
06/12/2019 Wst Neptunus 8 - 10
06/12/2019 Pdtg Stoemp Hukske Tvc 6 - 12
06/12/2019 Hallepoort Osman Bros 8 - 10
06/12/2019 Liquidoshooters Real Chenay Kc 7 - 11
06/12/2019 L'union Cosmos 8 - 10
06/12/2019 The Crew Remix 8 - 10
13/12/2019 Remix Wst 14 - 4
13/12/2019 Cosmos The Crew 4 - 14
13/12/2019 Real Chenay Kc Hallepoort 10 - 8
13/12/2019 Hukske Tvc L'union 9 - 9
13/12/2019 BYE Liquidoshooters 8 - 10
13/12/2019 Neptunus Liquidoshooters 8 - 10
13/12/2019 The Osman Brothers Pdtg Stoemp 7 - 11
13/12/2019 Osman Bros Pdtg Stoemp 7 - 11
03/01/2020 Hallepoort Neptunus 8 - 10
03/01/2020 Hallepoort BYE 8 - 10
03/01/2020 Cosmos Hukske Tvc 7 - 11
03/01/2020 L'union Osman Bros 9 - 9
03/01/2020 The Crew Wst 9 - 9
03/01/2020 Pdtg Stoemp Real Chenay Kc 9 - 9
03/01/2020 Liquidoshooters Remix 5 - 13
03/01/2020 L'union The Osman Brothers 9 - 9
10/01/2020 The Osman Brothers Cosmos /
10/01/2020 Remix Hallepoort 16 - 2
10/01/2020 Real Chenay Kc L'union 10 - 8
10/01/2020 Neptunus Pdtg Stoemp 13 - 5
10/01/2020 Wst Liquidoshooters 4 - 14
10/01/2020 Hukske Tvc The Crew 5 - 13
10/01/2020 Osman Bros Cosmos /
10/01/2020 BYE Pdtg Stoemp 13 - 5
24/01/2020 BYE L'union 12 - 6
24/01/2020 Osman Bros Hukske Tvc 9 - 9
24/01/2020 Wst Hallepoort 13 - 5
24/01/2020 Real Chenay Kc Cosmos 9 - 9
24/01/2020 Remix Pdtg Stoemp 9 - 9
24/01/2020 The Osman Brothers Hukske Tvc 9 - 9
24/01/2020 Neptunus L'union 12 - 6
24/01/2020 Liquidoshooters The Crew 3 - 15
31/01/2020 Hallepoort Liquidoshooters 3 - 15
31/01/2020 The Crew The Osman Brothers 8 - 10
31/01/2020 Cosmos Neptunus 8 - 10
31/01/2020 L'union Remix 8 - 10
31/01/2020 The Crew Osman Bros 8 - 10
31/01/2020 Hukske Tvc Real Chenay Kc 7 - 11
31/01/2020 Pdtg Stoemp Wst 13 - 5
31/01/2020 Cosmos BYE 8 - 10
14/02/2020 Remix Cosmos 15 - 3
14/02/2020 The Crew Hallepoort 16 - 2
14/02/2020 Real Chenay Kc The Osman Brothers 11 - 7
14/02/2020 Wst L'union 11 - 7
14/02/2020 Neptunus Hukske Tvc 7 - 11
14/02/2020 BYE Hukske Tvc 7 - 11
14/02/2020 Real Chenay Kc Osman Bros 11 - 7
14/02/2020 Liquidoshooters Pdtg Stoemp 11 - 7
21/02/2020 Cosmos Wst 6 - 12
21/02/2020 The Osman Brothers BYE /
21/02/2020 Osman Bros Neptunus /
21/02/2020 L'union Liquidoshooters 12 - 6
21/02/2020 Real Chenay Kc The Crew 8 - 10
21/02/2020 Hukske Tvc Remix 9 - 9
21/02/2020 Pdtg Stoemp Hallepoort 12 - 6
21/02/2020 The Osman Brothers Neptunus /
28/02/2020 Wst Hukske Tvc 5 - 13
28/02/2020 Hallepoort L'union 2 - 16
28/02/2020 Neptunus Real Chenay Kc 7 - 11
28/02/2020 Remix The Osman Brothers 14 - 4
28/02/2020 Remix Osman Bros 14 - 4
28/02/2020 Liquidoshooters Cosmos 11 - 7
28/02/2020 BYE Real Chenay Kc 7 - 11
28/02/2020 The Crew Pdtg Stoemp 6 - 12
06/03/2020 L'union Pdtg Stoemp 9 - 9
06/03/2020 BYE The Crew /
06/03/2020 Hukske Tvc Liquidoshooters /
06/03/2020 Real Chenay Kc Remix 6 - 12
06/03/2020 Cosmos Hallepoort /
06/03/2020 Neptunus The Crew /
06/03/2020 The Osman Brothers Wst /
06/03/2020 Osman Bros Wst /
27/03/2020 Remix Neptunus /
27/03/2020 Hallepoort Hukske Tvc /
27/03/2020 Remix BYE /
27/03/2020 Liquidoshooters Osman Bros /
27/03/2020 The Crew L'union /
27/03/2020 Liquidoshooters The Osman Brothers /
27/03/2020 Pdtg Stoemp Cosmos /
27/03/2020 Wst Real Chenay Kc /
17/04/2020 BYE Wst /
17/04/2020 Hukske Tvc Pdtg Stoemp /
17/04/2020 Real Chenay Kc Liquidoshooters /
17/04/2020 Neptunus Wst /
17/04/2020 Cosmos L'union /
17/04/2020 Remix The Crew /
17/04/2020 Osman Bros Hallepoort /
17/04/2020 The Osman Brothers Hallepoort /
24/04/2020 Hallepoort Real Chenay Kc /
24/04/2020 Pdtg Stoemp Osman Bros /
24/04/2020 L'union Hukske Tvc /
24/04/2020 Liquidoshooters BYE /
24/04/2020 Pdtg Stoemp The Osman Brothers /
24/04/2020 Wst Remix /
24/04/2020 Liquidoshooters Neptunus /
24/04/2020 The Crew Cosmos /
01/05/2020 Hukske Tvc Cosmos /
01/05/2020 Wst The Crew /
01/05/2020 Neptunus Hallepoort /
01/05/2020 Real Chenay Kc Pdtg Stoemp /
01/05/2020 Osman Bros L'union /
01/05/2020 Remix Liquidoshooters /
01/05/2020 The Osman Brothers L'union /
01/05/2020 BYE Hallepoort /
08/05/2020 L'union Real Chenay Kc /
08/05/2020 Liquidoshooters Wst /
08/05/2020 The Crew Hukske Tvc /
08/05/2020 Pdtg Stoemp BYE /
08/05/2020 Pdtg Stoemp Neptunus /
08/05/2020 Cosmos The Osman Brothers /
08/05/2020 Cosmos Osman Bros /
08/05/2020 Hallepoort Remix /